Will I get hit with banners and annoying pop ups?


Internet Anonymity you can count on! Protecting online Privacy since January 1997

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Ultimate Privacy provides anonymous and privacy services to its subscribers. Online Anonymity when it counts!


Real Anonymity

Our help is there when you need it! Live, E-Mail or by telephone during certain office hours! Your Anonymity is our goal!


No, we have never accepted any advertising within the subscribers area and do not plan to any time in the future. You will not be distracted with annoying pop ups or  advertisements of any kind within the subscribers area.

We have  always been supported by new subscriptions and have not needed to seek additional capital from advertisers. Over the years we have grown with our subscriber base and will continue to do so.

We are a privately held company with no investors or open loans. We answer to no one but our subscribers.

We do utilize associates or "resellers" and have no control over what they put on their presentation pages hosted on their own servers. You may reach our main website directly at  www.Ultimate-Anonymity.com



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